Friday, November 19, 2021


Second batch of cakes. Preparing them took a bit less effort than the first, now that I'm all practiced up.

I'm thinking of slicing these up into 5 pieces each and eating them on weekdays over the course of two weeks, rather than 4 pieces each and consuming them in one week total. I generally only have hot coffee on weekday afternoons which this cake pairs nicely with, and stretching it out will mean half the calories per week, plus I only have to bake every second week rather than every week.

I find it interesting how different the two cakes turned out. The closer one puffed up with a very rounded dome in the center, whereas the one in the back rose to the same height, but with a bit of a dip between the center dome and the edges, making almost a W shape. There was no difference in the two batters (it was just one batch split in two), or in the baking (they were both side-by-side in the oven), or really any other variable I can think of. I suppose they just decided to be different.

Ah well, they should both taste great.

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