Friday, January 5, 2024

Table Stakes

So I've been slowly putting together my sewing room, and one thing it's been sorely lacking is table space. Sewing is rather unique in demanding an absurd amount of clear flat space for laying out pattern pieces and fabrics, and many people end up just doing a lot of this work on the floor.

However, I decided I could do better than becoming yet another floor goblin, and so I found a fellow in the List of Craigs who happened to have too many industrial workbenches burdening his poor soul, and grabbed a 36x72 table. Yep, a whole 3 feet deep and 6 feet wide, with a shelf underneath where I'll be able to store some of my machines.

But do you know what just so happens to be 6 feet away from the wall?

As in e x a c t l y 6 feet from the wall?

Oh well, so much for that outlet.

But lest you come to the mistaken conclusion that I embarked on this adventure unprepared, I assure you that I had everything under control.

I had actually been planning on using this power strip in a different location but never got around to installing it there. So now it'll live here instead.

Speaking of living places, the domestic machines fit nicely on the lower shelf.

And despite taking up a fair chunk of the room, there's still plenty of space to comfortably use my industrials.

So all in all I'd say that things worked out quite well, and this table should make a fantastic workspace for my sewing projects.

Hmm, curious, where did that Singer 301 come from all of a sudden?

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