Friday, January 13, 2023

The other kind of CD

Due to various shufflings-around at work, the payout for my yearly bonus no longer conveniently coincides with when my property taxes come due. As such, I decided to take advantage of the somewhat peculiar financial instrument known as a "Certificate of Deposit" or "CD" for short.

These pay out actual, real, noticeable amounts of interest if you pick the right term length, and you can even get them in a no-penalty version where you can cash them out whenever you please. I opted for the latter as my bank was only offering good rates on the no-penalty, the 3 month (too short) and the 12 month (too long) terms.

However, I may have misjudged exactly when I'll be able to access the funds.

Hmm, I'm pretty sure I can trust these people to keep my money safe, right?

Anyway, the 3.4% I'll earn on the $10k I dropped in there will at least be better than what I've made on my regular savings account, which I opened back in 2010 or so.

Yup, been making some big money there I tell you what.

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