Sunday, September 18, 2022

It's Just Window Dressing

As in actual window dressing. The spare room came with a honeycomb blind and a naked curtain rod, and I figured it was about time to spice it up a little.

It was not particularly attractive with the blind open, and somewhat worse with the blind closed.

The blind was in good shape though, so there wasn't any reason to rip it down and throw it out, but still, there was room for improvement.

So I ordered up some drapes from the wild and wooly internet and they miraculously appeared on my doorstep today. Up they go and...

Whoops, I guess it's been a while since I vacuumed in there. Ah well, a quick wash and dry will take care of that, right?

Except for the part where my dryer decided to just up and die on me. Hmm. Gonna be a separate blog post about that later.

The good news, though, is that I have a convenient place to hang the drapes to dry.

That does look much better now.

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