Sunday, December 26, 2021

Fixing the Dog-Gone Trim

Something tells me that the previous owner had a dog with some anxiety issues.

This is the door leading from the house to the car hole, pictured from the car hole side. I'd previously repaired the door, but the jamb, brickmold and drywall also took some damage here.

So the first thing to do is to get back to good, solid wood. This means sawing off the ragged end of the brickmold and making some kerf cuts in the jamb.

Then chisel out the chewed up wood.

I ended up taking out about a quarter inch of the jamb.

I didn't use anything fancy for the replacement, just some leftover 2x4, cut and shaped to fit nicely in place. Some wood glue and a few brad nails holds it in place nicely, and a little love from my tub of long-suffering wood filler helps hide the seams and nail holes.

Finally a fresh coat of paint finishes the job nicely.

The drywall and brickmold can wait for another day.

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