Thursday, May 23, 2019

Another Reno trip come and gone

I was looking forward to riding Rabbit Season through the mountains this year, but the weather had other plans. On the way out it was snowing at altitude, so it was a good thing I opted for the PedoVan at the last minute.

Reno itself was a bit cloudy and rainy, though somehow it still managed to be shockingly dry. It's really weird when you're taking a shower and having difficulty lathering the soap because the parts of you that aren't directly in the path of the shower head just don't stay wet.

There was actually quite a bit of snow in the hills, but my hotel room faced the wrong direction to see most of it. All the same, I know what snow looks like and really don't care to stare at it all day long.

I had a great time hanging out with friends, and the weather was a bit nicer on the drive back home. Sunny and mostly clear, but still kinda cold.

Maybe next year I'll be back on the bike again, assuming global warming doesn't throw me another curve ball.

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