Friday, October 11, 2024

Waterer is Wetter

As you may remember from previous blog entries, I've been in the process of tracking down and silencing some water hammer caused by my sprinkler system. Various attempts so far have yielded limited results, but in previous instalments we'll recall that I did localize the most likely source to being the water filter cartridge in my fridge.

I had repaired the original filter cap, so that it would lock into the housing as it was originally intended to, but upon closer examination...

It seems that this didn't quite go as planned. The cap is installed correctly, as is the filter, but for whatever reason it's about a quarter inch too long to engage with the housing.

It may be that the filter is too long, or it may be that the cap isn't intended to lock into the housing when a filter is installed, and instead is only meant to do so during the initial shipment before a filter is in place.

I'm really not sure what the story here is, but I do know a solution to it.

And that solution is a little folded up wedge of cardboard, shoved in next to the filter. I moved the cap upwards to get a clear photo, the filter itself isn't that far askew.

I also took the opportunity to install a new filter, since the timer in the fridge indicated it had been about a year since the last filter change.

As per usual, I forgot that changing the filter introduces a lot of air into the lines, which gets compressed when you start filling a glass, and then, when the solenoid closes, expands back to its original size.

On the bright side, the floor is clean now.

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