Saturday, October 5, 2024

Water is Wet

So I was watering my garden the other day, and I noticed that I was getting a lot more watered than the plants were. Something was not right with my wand of moistening.

Particularly here, where the handle joins the shaft.

And as it turns out, the issue was pretty easy to track down.

That is one very cracked piece of plastic.

I initially considered ambling on down to Home Despot to drop $15 on a new one, but on a lark I decided to email Melnor's warranty support to see if they might send me a replacement handle for less than $15, so that I could keep the remains of this one out of the landfill.

Their answer?

They just sent a replacement handle for free. Sweet!

It is indeed much less broken than the old one.

And now that it's all back together, I can get back to watering the plants instead of my legs.

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