Saturday, February 18, 2023

One Cubic Motorcycle

I decided to take Orthrus up to the top of Mt Um today.

I succeeded. I also even made it back in one piece.

The reason for this ride today was that I needed to move the bike in order to get the palm a beard trimming.

It was definitely about time.

This lead to the discovery that a rat had been munching on all the palm seeds, and making a nest for itself inside of Orthrus. So, I had to make a minor eviction there and clean the crap out from under the tank. Annoying.

Since I'd already been through that much trouble with the bike, going for a ride seemed like a reasonable thing to do. You know, to make sure that everything was still in good working order.

Luckily the rat didn't do any damage, other than making a bit of a mess, so all's right with the world.

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