Friday, October 22, 2021

Dirt Cubed

For a while now I've had the idea to ride my bike out my front door and then all the way to the top of Mt Um. I've actually done this a few times over the years, but this would be a little different: I wanted to do it all on dirt (or, at least as much on dirt as was reasonably practical).

Now my home is at about 300 feet, and the top of Mt Um is at somewhere around 3500 feet. Accounting for some undulations in the road on both the outbound and inbound sections, that ends up being about 3700 feet of total climbing round trip. On the road.

However, on the dirt things get a bit more interesting, because the route is a little bit more scenic. To get to Mt Um, I need to first get up and over Mt El Sombroso. Then down the backside. Then I can climb Mt Um.

That means that in total, this route has about 5800 feet of climbing. That's a lot more. And that's why I'd never managed it before now.

But manage it I did.

It took a while to get there, but I did indeed get there. Then had a little nap at the top. Then I rode back home, had a shower, had another nap. You get the picture.

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