Saturday, March 16, 2024

The Hills Are Alive

It's been a wet winter this year.

Perhaps not quite as epic as last winter, but quite soggy nonetheless. I decided not to roll through this mud puddle.

What this means, though, is that the spring blossoms are out in force.

I'm not entirely sure what flowers these are, as I didn't get close enough to get a good look.

On the other hand, these flowers are no mystery.

My plum tree is, indeed, once again in bloom. And speaking of trees in bloom, so is my bay laurel.

It hasn't grown a ton since it had its little drought setback, but it's still alive and kicking and I'm hoping that this year it'll put out some solid new growth.

A bit lower to the ground we have the daisies in bloom.

As well as the periwinkle, which is getting a bit aggressive.

Then there's the pinwheel desert rose along with a photo bombing calla lilly

And more calla lilly in amongst my rosemary.

The baby sage is once again responding well to the harsh pruning I give it every year.

In the "recovering from trauma" category is the spanish lavender, which had a peculiar amount of die-back last year. I had to prune away quite a few dead branches.

Also on the mend is the milkwort, which was seeing its own weird die-back and regrowth.

It was peculiar seeing it going yellow and crispy seemingly out of nowhere, but the regrowth is quite strong so I guess I'm not too worried.

The pink lemonade blueberry is in bloom, and looks to get getting along fairly well despite its currently ragged appearance.

And the mexican heather is defying all odds and somehow popping up again.

So in all, I think it's safe to say that spring has officially sprung.

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