Tuesday, May 8, 2007

One day your uppance will come!

And that day just happens to be today.

So I was driving home from Superstore down Gateway, and there was some dork in an old toyota tailgating me all the way down. I thought "well, maybe he won't turn down Chalmers", but lo and behold he tailgated me all the way down to Watt.

So I pull up to the red light on Watt with this dork glued to my bumper, and I see behind me that he's pulling over into the cut-out to make a right turn. Ah, finally, I'm rid of him.

But it seems it wasn't his plan to actually turn right. No, instead he pretended to turn right onto Watt, pretended to make a u-turn, and pretended to make another right onto Levis. In reality, what he did was just blow right through the intersection.

I was absolutely disgusted, how some people can think that laws just don't apply to them if they make enough excuses and bend the rules way beyond what any sane person would do.

Then I noticed the next car coming through the intersection, a lovely dark brown Crown Vic, making a right turn onto Levis. In particular, an unmarked police car Crown Vic, turning onto Levis to pull over the dork who just blew through the intersection.

Yup, he got his just desserts. That made me happy. The only sad thing is that I know that it probably won't get him to change his ways.

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